You may well know this gentleman as Shaun, which is the name he prefers to be called. Shaun’s been at Stonehurst for the past five years, but is originally from Willowvale, a small town in the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape.
Shaun is a friendly individual who is always looking to further his knowledge. In fact, ask him anything about current affairs and he’ll likely have the answer! He acknowledges that the people he deals with in his daily role are diverse and he takes pride in using the most suitable approach in each situation.
The hours can be long and standing on your feet all day takes its toll. However, this is valuable experience if Shaun were to follow his dream into the entertainment industry where long hours on your feet are often part of the job description.
Shaun believes in giving back to the community and assists the elderly by running errands for them. When he has some time to himself, he spends it reading and catching up on the reality TV shows with his brother.
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